目前分類:english diary (4)

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last night oh i forgot to take pictures in friends' house.
so tired because we chatted for so long until AM 1:30.

i gave 培 a ride by motorcycle. she said she didn't want to ride by herself.= =
oh my moto was loud. never mind i still loved my motor.

懇 was still cute and her roommate was funny.
we couldn't help making fun of 懇. why is she so innocent ??

i came home and did the surfing  routine.
after i chatted with sasa in plurk and watched pps for a while, i slept.

end of the day.

i like you and wish we all can find our sky that belong to ourselves.

by the way, my roommate thought i had to go to class like her this morning.= =
i have passed the subject, ok ? ha !

rookie_life 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just want to practice English, so let me write something.

I feel so tired recently because many things are not innocent like before.
I can not stop my mind to think and suspect.
It seems that I am forced to grow up.
Ha ha! In fact, there is nothing. I believe that I can hold on.
So keep doing what you want to do, persistently.

Since everything doesn't stop to move on, maybe I should go ahead, too.
So do you want in?

rookie_life 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you are always interested in everything, then everything will become 
so funny.

Today my pretty sister brought something interesting to me. 

uh...that exactly make some surprise to me even though those are just 
daily suplies.

Anyway,  SURPRISE.  XD

rookie_life 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Today I trained my riding motocycle skill again.
I did not know if I did not practice for so long, so I could not  feel good.
Oh! I still remembered to get the license with you,but I was not still ready, and you?

Do you find the part-time job? If you do, you must inform me,thank you! And I do, too.

I want to say sorry to my friends that can see my blog.
Sorry sorry ~ you are really my best friends. 

I am emotional. Sorry.
I could not keep the promise that I have promised to you. You must be angry, right?

By the way, my health is becoming perfect!!

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